Aspectos Tributarios

7 abril, 2020
Decree 520

The calendar of deadlines for the presentation of the income tax and complementary of the year 2019 and the presentation of the annual declaration of assets abroad is modified. Download: Decree 520 of April 06,

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7 abril, 2020
Resolution 031

Emergency measures to guarantee the attention and provision of services by DIAN, partially modifying resolution 030 of March 29, 2020. Download: Resolution 031 of April 03, 2020

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31 marzo, 2020
Resolution 0030

By which urgent measures are adopted to guarantee the attention and provision of services by the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs – DIAN, within the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological

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30 marzo, 2020
Resolution DDI-008490

Postponement of the presentation of exogenous information in Bogotá, which establishes the natural persons, legal entities, consortiums, temporary unions and / or de facto companies, the content and characteristics of the information that they must

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26 marzo, 2020
Decree 093

Deadlines for the tax calendar in Bogotá are extended. Download: Decree 093 of March 25, 2020

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26 marzo, 2020
Resolution 000027

Magnetic average deadlines extension. Download: Resolution 000027 of March 25, 2020

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26 marzo, 2020
Decree 438

Transitory exemption from sales tax – VAT, by which transitory tax measures are adopted within the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency in accordance with Decree 417 of 2020. Download: Decree 438 of March

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26 marzo, 2020
Decree 419

Compensation of sales tax – VAT, which regulates article 21 of Law 2010 of 2019 and adds Chapter 19 to Title 1 of Part 3 of Book 1 of Decree 1625 of 2016 Sole Regulatory

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20 marzo, 2020
Decree 358

Equivalent documents versus electronic invoicing. Download: Comments Decree 358 of 2020

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20 marzo, 2020
Decree 435

The time for filing the income tax and complementary taxes for the year 2019 is extended. Download: Decree 435 of March 19, 2020

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