Aspectos Tributarios

3 enero, 2019
Decree 2442

The deadlines to declare and pay national taxes are established in 2019. Download: Decree 2442 of 27/12/2018

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3 enero, 2019
Resolution 012635

By means of which some taxpayers, managers or retention agents are qualified with the quality of a large taxpayer for the year 2019. Download: Resolution 012635 of 14/12/2018

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3 enero, 2019
Decree 2483

Through which the technical frameworks of IFRS Financial Reporting Standards for Group 1 and Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS for SMEs, Group 2, are compiled and updated. Download: Decree 2483 of 28/12/2018

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3 enero, 2019
Financing Law

Whereby financing rules are issued for the restoration of the balance of the general budget and other provisions are issued. Download: Finance Law of 28/12/2018

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13 diciembre, 2018
New value of the UVT for 2019

By which the value of the Tax Value Unit (UVT) is fixed, applicable for the year 2019. Download: Resolution 56 of 22/11/2018

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13 diciembre, 2018
District Tax Calendar 2019

Download: District Tax Calendar 2019

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5 diciembre, 2018
District Magnetic Means 2018

By which the natural persons, legal entities, consortiums, temporary unions and / or de facto companies are established, the content and characteristics of the information that they must supply to the District Tax Office of

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24 noviembre, 2018
DIAN introduces improvements to the implementation of the electronic invoice

In order to provide a system that optimizes processes and at the same time makes them simpler and more agile, the National Tax and Customs Directorate -DIAN- advances improvements in the implementation of electronic invoicing

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22 noviembre, 2018
Suspension in electronic IT services at the DIAN

Some of the Entity’s IT Services will not be available from November 23 to November 26, 2018. Download: Press release

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15 noviembre, 2018
Resolution 000051

Procedure to comply with the substantial and formal obligations regarding sales tax – VAT by service providers from abroad. Download: Resolution 000051 of October 19, 2018.

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